The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 establishes a framework for emergency planning and response from local to national level, including the provision of temporary emergency regulations.
The Civil Contingencies Act means that emergency services and other government agencies must work together to reduce the risk to the public from emergencies; this is called a statutory duty. By working together those organisations enable people to go about their lives freely and with confidence. The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) coordinates how Dorset’s emergency responders support the Act, key objectives are to:
- Protect life
- Contain and mitigate the impacts of an emergency
- Create the conditions for a return to normality
Dorset LRF is based on the Dorset Police boundary, which covers the Council areas of Dorset Council and BCP Council. The LRF is not a statutory body, but it is a statutory process made up of many statutory bodies.
The Dorset LRF is led by the LRF Executive Group and provides the framework for the effective delivery of the statutory duties under the Civil Contingencies Act. The Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit manages the day to day running of the business of the Local Resilience Forum.
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