Dorset like any other county has the same risk of an attack from a lone individual or a group of individuals involved in terrorism. Terrorism may not be just a physical attack on life and limb. It can include interference with information or communication systems, causing disruption and economic damage. Some attacks are easier to carry out if the terrorist is assisted by an ‘insider’ or by someone with specialist knowledge or access. Terrorism also includes threats or hoaxes designed to frighten and intimidate. Police and partners work together to protect our communities and keep them safe through the national Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST). The aim of CONTEST is to reduce the risk from terrorism and domestic extremism so that everybody in Dorset can go about their everyday lives freely and with confidence.
- Large groups of people could be hurt as a result of a terrorist incident
- Major disruption to transport, such as trains and coaches
- Major disruption to utility companies meaning loss of electriticy to homes and businesses, loss of gass or water supply to those places as well
- Impact on businesses as they may not be able to trade
- People may die or be injured if they are directly involved in an act of terrism
- Increased number of admissions to hospitals / visits to GPs
- Road and travel disruptions
- You may be without electricity, water or gas for some time
- Damage to property and the environment
- Families may have to be evacuated from their homes
What you can do
Always ring 999 in an emergency
National confidential anti-terrorism hotline: 0800 789321.